
Head of Production / Creative Director

16 Billion Views

My favourite personal achievements include directing and editing for YouTube surpassing 300 million views on one of my YouTube shorts and similarly editing and producing a Facebook awareness piece with over 450 million views.

My YouTube strategy allowed Julius to grow from 750,000 YouTube subscribers to over 7 million in around 5 months.

During the time | worked with Julius, | was able to obtain 16 billion views across social media channels.

This included work with TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat.| had the privilege of running a team of 7+ on all aspects of production, social media management, and content creation.

Fly On The Wall - CCTV

This is a video I conceptualised, filmed, directed, and edited amassing over 209 million views.

This is an example of shocking and ‘CCTV’ style content hitting the peak of virality.

Creating shocking content through orchestrated realities in the form of a ‘Fly on the Wall; CCTV style footage, allowed me to direct and edit hundreds of videos with millions of views.

This video is a prime example of shocking footage resonating with a large audience. The lack of talking allows for mass appeal and the psychology behind human viewing pleasures allowed me to create videos surpassing millions of views weekly.


300 Million Views

Directing and editing viral videos is about creating shocking, relatable scenarios. One example of a piece of content I had to think creatively about was a YouTube Short ‘The Watermelon Head Smash’.

The goal was to create a shocking visual through the use of an attention-grabbing flick at the beginning of the video. Additionally, this visual at the start of the video was the driving force for the audience to feel as though they needed to watch until the end. This created high retention and allowed for the YouTube algorithm to push the video accordingly.

I had to think about audience retention and ensure, through the use of colour theory and psychology there were enough visual flicks to maintain the viewer’s attention. For example - continuously panning onto the prank subject.

This was a successful viral video - totaling 300 million views on YouTube Shorts alone.

Creative Storytelling

This Reel was created in order to spread awareness of the story behind the influencer Julius Dein and how he was able to rise to the number one most-viewed Facebook channel, month on month throughout 2021, with the help of his team.

TikTok Video Successes

One major achievement was a CCTV video depicting an argument garnering 73 million views on TikTok.

Additional Successes include:

CCTV - Swimming Pool Saviour - 38 Million Views - Editor

CCTV - Casino Robber - 11 million Views - Directed / Filmed / Editor

CCTV - Restaurant Incident - 23 Million Views - Editor

Photography Stills For Social

Instagram feat Louis x Julius Dein

Photography by Louis / Edited on Camera RAW / Adobe Lightroom


Julius Dein Testimony