Imad Magician ///

Imad Magician ///


Creative Direction / Video Production / Social Media Management

Working to Increase Engage

3.5 Million Views in 7 Days

55,000 New Followers / 12 Million Minutes viewed

The Project

The goal was to direct, film and edit a piece of content that was never before tried and tested on Imads platform. I wanted to combine my past experience of 3 minute CCTV style videos, with Imads magic experience. This allowed us to create a fast-paced, intriguing visual of a supposedly regular customer in a cafe performing magic.

The video obtained over 4500 shares within the first week of being live. This process allowed me to create a new content funnel and channel Imads experience into this content stream. This is replicable content that we can adopt many unique scenarios within.

See Video Here.

Content Examples